Advantages and Disadvantages of Photoresist Harm and Protection of Photoresist

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1. High precision. Photoresist can form micron-level patterns on the surface of the chip with very high accuracy and stability. 2, the scope of application is wide. Photoresists can be applied to different types of chip materials, including silicon, glass, ceramics, etc. 3. Fast processing speed. The photoresist can finish the processing and treatment of the chip surface in a short time, which improves the production efficiency. However, photoresist also has some shortcomings, including the following:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Photoresist Harm and Protection of Photoresist

Advantages and Disadvantages of 1. Photoresist

As an important material in chip manufacturing, photoresist has the following advantages:

1. High precision. Photoresist can form micron-level patterns on the surface of the chip with very high accuracy and stability.

2. Wide scope of application. Photoresists can be applied to different types of chip materials, including silicon, glass, ceramics, etc.

3. Fast processing speed. The photoresist can finish the processing and treatment of the chip surface in a short time, which improves the production efficiency.

However, photoresist also has some shortcomings, including the following:

1, the cost is higher. The preparation and processing of photoresist is complicated and costly.

2, there is some pollution to the environment. The preparation and processing of photoresist will produce certain pollutants, which will have a certain impact on the environment.

3, there is a certain harm to the human body. Photoresist contains certain toxic substances, which are harmful to human body.

Harm and Protection of 2. Photoresist

Hazard: Photoresist is a Class B dangerous goods, colorless transparent liquid, with a faint odor similar to aromatic esters. High concentrations of steam irritate the eyes and respiratory tract, often inhaled on the kidney damage. Flammable, in case of open flame, high heat combustion. It is decomposed by high heat to release toxic gases. Its vapor and air can form an explosive mixture, and when a certain concentration is reached, it will explode when it meets Mars.

First-aid measures: Patients who inhale vapors should be removed from the contaminated area. Place and rest and keep warm, rinse with water for eye irritation, and send serious patients splashed into eyes to hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Skin contact with solvent scrub, then wash thoroughly with soap. Immediate gargle, sent to hospital for treatment.

Fire fighting method: firefighters must wear filtering gas mask (full face mask) or isolation breathing apparatus, wear full body fire protection clothing, in the upper wind direction to put out the fire. Move the container from the fire to the open as much as possible. Spray water to keep the fire container cool until the end of the fire. Containers in a fire scene that have discolored or produced sound from the safety pressure relief device must be evacuated immediately. Extinguishing agent: atomized water, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.

Emergency treatment of leakage: evacuate the personnel from the leakage pollution area to the safety area, isolate them and strictly restrict the access. Cut off the fire source. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-contained positive pressure breathing apparatus and general work clothes. If it is liquid, cut off the leakage source as much as possible. Prevent from flowing into restricted spaces such as sewers and flood discharge ditches. Small amount of leakage: Absorb with dry sand or similar material. Large leakage: build embankments or dig pits to contain. Cover with foam to reduce steam disasters. Transfer to tanker or special collector with explosion-proof pump, recycle or transport to waste treatment site for disposal. If solid, collect in a dry, clean, covered container. If there is a large amount of leakage, collect and recycle or transport to waste treatment site for disposal.

Operation precautions: airtight operation. Closed operation, providing good natural ventilation conditions. Operators must be specially trained and strictly abide by the operating procedures. Operators are advised to wear self-priming filter dust masks and chemical safety goggles. Keep away from fire and heat sources. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Prevent vapor leakage into the workplace air. Avoid contact with oxidizing agents. Handle and unload lightly to prevent damage to packaging and containers. Equipped with corresponding types and quantities of fire fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment. Empty containers may leave harmful substances.