Weixin Materials (Huzhou) Co., Ltd.

Weixin Materials (Huzhou) Co., Ltd. ("Huzhou Weixin") is a newly-built production base of Weixin materials in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, located in the provincial chemical park of Linghu Town, Nanxun District, Huzhou City,The total area of about 35 acres,Building area of more than 23000 square meters,With an investment of 0.45 billion yuan, it is expected to complete the construction and realize mass production in 2025.


Huzhou Weixin is a new production base for the field of wet electronic chemicals.

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GPC 1260II

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Electric stirrer

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ICP-MS 7900

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Millibo pure water machine

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cleanliness-class1000 cleanroom

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Analysis Laboratory

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R & D Laboratory

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R & D Building